Tamara Pommells EdS. LPC. LCADC, ACS

Tamara Pommells EdS. LPC. LCADC, ACS

Holistic Behavioral Solutions is a community wellness agency and psychotherapy practice specializing in stretching our emotional lives to a peak performance state for individuals and families. We are located in Mercer County, New Jersey and support individuals, youth and their families as they transition towards a higher level of functioning. Our team of practitioners adhere to a philosophy that values diversity and authenticity and validates the strength and experience of our client base. Services are provided within the community, in office or online for your benefit and convenience. Please call 609-752-3098 for services.

Anxiety Attacks: Real and Present Dangers

Managing Anxiety
When an anxiety attack strikes, finding a 'safe space' can provide immediate relief. This can be any environment where you feel secure and comfortable, such as your home, office, or even a quiet corner away from crowds. Many people find that their car works for them. A quiet bathroom also works well if you are in public. Try to get some cold water, but the key is cold and dark. The goal is to minimize external stressors and create a calming environment for yourself.

#Good Therapy; Finding the one for you

Good Therapy; Helping you to find your own voice
A rewarding, therapeutic connection is characterized by the therapist's empathy, active engagement, mutual understanding, and the ability to effectively communicate both verbally and nonverbally. An experienced therapist is attuned to the entirety of their client's communication. We look at presentation, affect and language while offering support that resonates with their clients on all levels. It takes years of training to master those therapeutic skills. Effective therapy offers a beacon of hope and support through losses and transitions, acting as a catalyst for profound change.

The Work of Marriage

Commitment and the Work of Marriage
Yes, the WORK of marriage. When we first find that special someone, they set our soul on fire, and we feel blissfully whole. We want to capture that love feeling in a bubble and make it last forever. Yet life intrudes, and people change. No one tells us that we are supposed to change. There is no manual for life and love yet we change and learn and grow without realizing it.