Vocation Motivation: Home is Where the Heart is

One of the greatest secrets in the therapeutic community is resilience, as previously mentioned. This resilience give us the strength to say "I'm not giving up, I can cope the best way I can, but I am not giving up." When we don't give up on our family, friends and self we find better ways to live in that "heart" place. The therapeutic space is one of transformation, where resilience and coping mechanisms are not just discussed but practiced and honed. It's a realm where the resilience of the human spirit is celebrated, embodying the determination to persevere and find meaning in the heart's deepest recesses.

Unveiling the Essence of Vocation: Navigating the Heart and Mind

Why do we choose to do the work that we do? What purpose does our vocation serve in our life and how do we use our vocations to motivate us to greater change throughout the various systems of our lives. I’ve worked with many individuals and families that use their work setting and focus as a retreat against the emotionally laden, unspoken things in our lives that we cannot “fix.”

For many of us, our vocations stand as beacons of purpose and direction, guiding us through the ebbs and flows of our personal and professional journeys. But what underlies our choice of vocation? And how does this choice reflect the deeper motivations and desires that reside within the heart and mind?

The Interplay of Vocation and Motivation

Rules at work are so simple and clear; our work environments are the place of the “head”, where we do our best for 8+ hours and then we come home to the “other stuff” that we have less control over. In our home and family settings we cannot “fire” someone, we cannot “fix” someone, we cannot “exchange or return” our parents, child, loved one. Yet so much of our work and vocation is a reflection of this “heart” place; a response to the encouragement of our parents, the distance of our siblings, the competitiveness of our friends.

At the core of every vocation lies a complex interplay of motivations and aspirations. It’s not merely about earning a livelihood but about fulfilling a deeper purpose that resonates with our innermost values and desires. For many, the workplace becomes a sanctuary, a space where the clarity of rules and objectives provides a respite from the emotional complexities and unresolved issues that pervade our personal lives.

The Sanctuary of Work

In the realm of work, we operate within the clarity and structure that often eludes us in our personal spheres. The workplace becomes a domain of the ‘head,’ where logic reigns supreme, and our efforts are directed towards tangible outcomes and achievements. Yet, this rational domain is deeply intertwined with the ‘heart,’ influenced by our familial ties, personal experiences, and the unspoken emotional undercurrents that shape our existence.

The Influence of Personal History

Interestingly, vocation motivation happens regardless of the “issues” of your family; there are very few families that I work with where a substance user is not somewhere on the genogram, but that doesn’t mean this substance use is a motivating factor; sometimes the motivating factor for your vocation is a parental divorce or a disabled sibling, it might even be the suicide of a friend or loved one. Something draws each person to their work and makes it their place of retreat.

Vocation motivation transcends the superficial layers of career choice, delving into the richness that is our past. It can also be food/shelter insecurity within a family system or the impact of generational wealth. But these profound experiences become the catalysts that draw us toward our chosen paths, turning our vocations into havens of purpose and refuge.

Lessons from the Therapeutic Journey

As a therapist, my vocation has been a lifelong calling, rooted in a deep-seated desire to delve into the complexities of the human psyche and facilitate healing and growth. I cannot imagine a life without the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from being a therapeutic practitioner. When one steps into that role, you are given permission to delve into the lives of others and see what works and what does NOT. I get to be the “fix-it” person for people who step into my sacred space and office. I also get a chance to practice the coping and mastery skills that I’ve learned throughout the years.

One of the greatest secrets in the therapeutic community is resilience, as previously mentioned. This resilience give us the strength to say “I’m not giving up, I can cope the best way I can, but I am not giving up.” When we don’t give up on our family, friends and self we find better ways to live in that “heart” place. The therapeutic space is one of transformation, where resilience and coping mechanisms are not just discussed but practiced and honed. It’s a realm where the resilience of the human spirit is celebrated, embodying the determination to persevere and find meaning in the heart’s deepest recesses.

Vocation and Recognition: A Universal Quest

The pursuit of vocation is not confined to any single domain but is a universal quest for meaning and recognition. The emotional moments witnessed during events like the National Football League Hall of Fame inductions underscore the profound connection between our vocations and our quest for validation and fulfillment. Regardless of the field, the ultimate accountability lies not in the accolades or achievements but in how these endeavors resonate with our ‘heart place’—the core of our being. Regardless of the arena, the place we are most accountable to is Home

Vocations In Conclusion

The journey of vocation is more than a career path; it’s a pilgrimage toward understanding ourselves, our motivations, aspirations, and the unspoken narratives of our hearts. It’s about finding harmony between the clarity of our professional endeavors and the emotional richness of our personal lives. As we navigate this journey, we are reminded that the true essence of vocation lies not just in what we do, but in how it reflects the deepest truths of who we are, and how it allows us to live authentically in that sacred ‘heart place’ where our true selves reside.

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